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How To Place An Order
Do you have an academic essay to complete? Acemyhomework is here to help. In case you’re new to our service, we guarantee high-quality papers written by experts with years of experience in academic writing. Additionally, we offer plagiarism reports and free revisions with each essay. Whether one of our returning clients, referred student or the search results has led you here, you are sure to receive outstanding work.
To place an order on our site, follow the simple steps below.
1. Register/Log In
Using your email address, create a profile and click on the link in your inbox. This allows us to verify your identity and prevent spam. It also helps us follow up on orders, payments, and other vital information that lets us confirm your identity.
Alternatively, you can enter your pre-registered details. This process takes less than five minutes since our site is optimized to load fast.
2. Select A Service from The Drop-Down Menu
Once you’re in, you can select from the variety of services we offer. These include dissertation writing services, lab reports, essays, and speeches for several subjects ranging from the sphere of technical to non-scientific subjects. The prices differ due to the length associated with each plus the topic’s complexity; hence the longer or more specialized, the higher the price.
Despite the flexible pricing scale, we offer the most affordable prices in the market, so you will not be overcharged.
3. Decide On Your Expert of Choice And Provide The Necessary Details
Our clients have the choice of over 20 writers at a time, whether they are ordering late into the night or on short notice since we hire experts from all over the globe. Start by browsing their profiles and viewing their reviews, and this will give you a good idea of whom to assign your essay.
Feel free to ask them any further questions, after which they can accept the order, its instructions, and the turnaround time required. Once they confirm they can handle the order, the website will automatically begin the countdown process to ensure they submit it on time.
4. Download and Review The Essay
Once your chosen expert completes the final draft, they will upload it, and you can view the file to ascertain that it fits all your requirements. In case you desire any changes, feel free to ask the writer to modify it to your liking.
5. Approve Your Essay And Pay For It
After the essay is adjusted to fit your standards, you can download it from the site. Kindly leave a review for our writer that explains what you liked about the service in terms of communication, delivery time, and quality.
Now it’s time to pay. The screen will show you your pending balance, which can be paid using several mediums such as PayPal, Visa, or Mastercard. Whichever you use, you can be sure that there are no hidden charges.
In summary, placing an order on our website is interactive and simple. Not only will you enjoy the interactive website with a clean user interface, but you will also enjoy the high quality and affordable pricing that keeps our customers coming back.